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Wednesday 30 March 2011

My Birthday at Kai iwi lakes

I woke up in the morning and I said to myself, in my head, it’s my birthday, it’s my birthday! I was born at 8:00am in the morning so I went to look at the clock and it was 8:20am, ‘DAMN!’ I’ll just try and wake up 20mins earlier next time.
 Ok now it’s time prezzie time. From my nana I got 2 tops and a pair of shorts. From my mum I got a dress, 2 pairs of earrings, and pjs. And from my friend Greyah I got bracelets and Vaseline. From my sister I got a book that I wanted (The Narnia series). And last but not least I got $50 from my grandma.
 Next I got dressed and off Carol, Leon, Mum, Dad, Matthew, Mia, Alicia, Dominic, Olivia, Xavier and of course me. So we set off to Kai Iwi Lakes. There were way too many people to fit in one truck so we took both, and I got to pick what truck the girls wanted to go in. I picked mum and dad’s truck. Then off we went on the 1 and a half hour drive.
When we arrived we went on the boat to a lovely little sandy spot just for us. Then I got to go first with Olivia on the biscuit it was zoomy, fun and umm... awesome! Then it was Matthew’s and Dominic’s turn and they had a blast Dominic fell off quite a lot and I think Matthew fell off once or twice. After a while it was Mia and Alicia’s turn but they didn’t last long because Alicia got a sore neck so Xavier went on instead. And of course they fell off a lot.
 After that it was time for skiing and I yelled, ‘can I go first’? And I did, I had a blast. It’s so awesome going over the wake. While the others were having a turn I went for a swim and it was so nice and refreshing.
After everybody had a turn we had lunch YES! I was so hungry. I had a marmite and cheese sandwich as always and a drink of juice.
Then we had another biscuit ride but I didn’t want to go on so I read my new book instead. Man it’s so interesting it’s called the Magicians Nephew. Most of you should know that story.
After a while I got bored so I went on the biscuit and I didn’t fall off but Olivia did and it was quite funny.
Sadly it was time to go home because it was getting late. Then just as we were leaving Olivia got me a present and it was a $30 gift voucher for the Warehouse. More money I said in my head.
While we were driving home we got fish n chips, yeah! Fish n chips, yeah! Want to make me lick my lips. Anyway I got a hot dog and chips and it was yummy!
After a while we were home and our friends had to go back to Te Aroha. I was sad but what an awesome day. By Maddie