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Wednesday, 30 March 2011

The Trip To Auckland - Chris

Cmon Chris lets goooo!” shouted my mum as Uncle Davie’s Shelby GT500 drove up our driveway. It was Monday morning and we were packing our self into Uncle Davie’s car. There was only two seats at first but that was because the front seats were blocking our view of the back seats, even though there wasn’t much room we still fitted in. But at least we were off on our journey to Auckland (And Uncle Harold’s House).
It wasn’t long before we were forced to make a detour. “An extra 30 minutes!” grumped Uncle Davie. But I didn’t mind, somehow I even managed to fall asleep.      
I woke to us stopping at a petrol station. My dad was out the door in a flash, as soon as he had given petrol money to Uncle Davie. I followed behind. We had some lunch and I bought myself a drink. Uncle Davie swore angrily, at the traffic gathering outside the station. But we were on our way again. Just then I noticed a green light that was on the floor of the Shelby. At least the time we spent there wasn’t just on buying food.
It was my first time going to Uncle Harold’s house. We exited the highway. Then we took a right turn, a left than two more rights. One the of we house’s we passed looked abandoned and haunted. It had boarded up windows, but I forgot as soon as we arrived at Uncle Harold’s. The house was made entirely of brick which was the first thing I noticed. The main thing Uncle Harold did all day was show Dad and Uncle Davie his motorbike. While mum went to go talk with Uncle Harold’s wife (I didn’t know her name so I just called her Auntie) soon me and my mum got bored of listening to business talk, so we decided to take a walk and investigate the valley.
It wasn’t long before we were lost. We had been walking for almost quarter of an hour. The highway was close by, we nearly walked onto it but as soon as we came even close to walking on it, a large truck warned us that we were on the highway. So we walked back looking for signs that we could identify and lead us back to Uncle Harold’s place. Eventually we walked past the four stoplights that marked we were on the right road. Now all we had to do was find the right street. We were supposed to go right than right but instead mum just went straight ahead. About 2 minutes passed before mum realised her mistake and turned back, she took my directions, and therefore mum started looking for my Uncle’s Shelby in one of the driveways.
 An hour past and we were back on the road heading home. As we the car turned into Otaika road, Uncle Davies Shelby broke into a steady speed of 200km. A car was heading our way as we overtook a truck. Me and my mum thought we would crash. My dad swore as the car swerved back into the left lane. I thought that would be the only speed burst, but the car broke into another burst of speed. But at least we were only a few minutes from home.