Millionaire lance bass is going to space to raise 3 million dollars for poor people but he has to create music, relax, do educational experiments and live comfortably for 3 months.
In space where lance does his music everything must be strapped or bolted down when he plays. He plays the guitar and communicates with his friends to help perform his music.
When lance lives in space he needs a TV which is bolted and strapped to the floor and wall. For his seat it is also bolted to the floor and one strap around the waist to make him not to float around the room. For the bed he straps himself in too, and pulls the covers over.
Lance bass gone up to space to raise 3 million dollars to donate to the very hungry and very poor. He will do this by living in space and producing his music doing science and communicating it back to earth.
By Gabby Palmer