The tide was right up by the top of the sand! My cousin must have seen us and came with us and brought my sister and my uncle, basically everyone.
My cousin found a purple jelly fish. We found another and another and another. We kept finding purple jelly fish everywhere!
We got to the bend at the part of the beach where it turns into road. The road was completely covered in water! So we waded through the ankle deep water. Then we walked to the other side of the beach and back. We couldn’t find any more jelly fish purple or not. Afterwards we went to my cousin’s house. It’s right by the beach. Because it was raining we made some Milo, but we added extra powder and sugar so it was like hot chocolate. We sat down and watched TV. for a bit.
“Hey, it stopped raining!” I said. “Let’s go on the beach again!”
I asked if we could but mum said no. So I looked at it instead. When I got there, there was no sand, No place to walk, nothing! Just water. So I went to the others and told them to come with me. So they followed when we got there their eyes just about popped out of their heads! “WOW!” they said altogether.
We went up to have dinner, watched a movie then went to bed. Outside I heard the wind whispering away.
As I lay down I thought: would the water still be that high tomorrow? As I thought about it I fell asleep.
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