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Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Shoot Em Up-By Evan

I stumbled out of bed, I still felt drowsy, as I always do in the morning. Today was my friend Dylan’s birthday. We were going paintballing then going to the Ruakaka beach. It was a few hours away so I watched some TV to kill the time. At around 12:00 I got in the car. It took ten minutes to get down to his house; I was the last person to arrive. I can’t remember everyone who was there but I can remember some people. Some of the ones that were there were Sam, Travis, Chris.M and Liam.                                                                                                                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                        Firstly, we all went up to the flying fox, it started high up and stretched out to a broken tractor across the field. I was the third person to go across. I climbed onto the branch and sat on the plank that was tied to the rope. I jumped off the branch and went flying down the field, when I got close to the ground I noticed a large brown dog started catching up to me. The dog grabbed the rope and started to tow me along the field. When it slowed down I got off the plank and pulled the rope back up to the next person, then waited for another turn. Around ten minutes after that, we got in the car and drove down to the Mangapai paintball course.
                                                                                                                                                                                    We split into two teams; I was on the green team. In the first round we started in the left base, with the broken cars. The right base had tall towers and more hiding places. For the first half of the first round I stayed back and defended the barrels. That part of the round was very uneventful. The rest of round one was a little more interesting, the enemy forces (the black team) invaded our territory a few times, the first time they came I was crouching in front of a building, then, BAM!!! The sound wasn’t that loud but you exaggerate a bit when you get shot in the top of the head, where the visor doesn’t protect you. I looked up; it was Liam who had shot me. “I’m gonna kill you Liam!” I shouted at him. I put my hands up and walked over to the rebel’s base. I put a tick next my name on the sheet of paper that had the team lists. That was the end of the first round.
                                                                                                                                                                               The whistle blew for the start of the second round. We started in the other base this time and Travis and I went to capture the middle section. We sniped a few people from there but no-one shot us. After a while I got bored of the lack of action, I stood in the middle of the field, I let my gun dangle from my neck, and then I started dancing. A hail of bullets flew at me. They slammed into the ground, kicking up dirt. Using my mad skills, I sprinted out of the way, unharmed. Travis and I starting laughing hard out. During the end of the game, Sam (who was on the opposing team) crept up, trying to steal a barrel. But, we had seen him from where we crouched. Travis stood he fired 17 bullets. Every single one made contact with Sam; he flew off his feet and hit a wall. He didn’t have time to squeal in pain. “OH MY GOSH!!!” I shouted at Travis. “YOU JUST INCAPACITATED SAM!!!” Travis just stared at Sam like a possum caught in headlights. “I just killed Sam” he eventually said. We sprinted over to see if he was OK. Sam staggered to his feet. Travis kept apologizing as he slowly stood up. Everyone crowded around as he got up. “I’m good.” Sam said. “But I think I lost a tooth!” After we found out Sam was fine, we continued the game as normal.
                                                                                                                                                            After the game ended and we accepted our defeat, we got in the car again and headed down to Ruakaka beach to go boogie-boarding. The waves were fairly big; a few of them were gigantic, causing me to do massive wipe-outs. Eventually, my board got totalled; another wave would have snapped it in half. I put it back in the car and headed back to the beach. I spent the rest of the time body-boarding and jumping through the waves. By the end of the day I was sick of the taste of saltwater, we were leaving anyway. We drove back to Dylan’s house for dinner. We hung around the table until dinner was ready. For dinner we had sausages and we had cake for dessert. I had a fun time but it was time to go.
My Mum came to pick me up. Before we went home we had to pick up my 17 year-old sister Kadi from her job at Burger King. When we arrived I walked in to get her. She said she would be in the car soon as she was buying her dinner, I managed to nag her for a milkshake and then I walked back to the car. As I slowly drank I looked out the window and went over what I did that day in my head. I laughed to myself remembering  what happened to Sam, I knew everyone (including Sam) would be laughing about that when we go back to school.