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Wednesday, 30 March 2011

The Long Holiday - Rebekah R

I sighed as the alarm on my phone went off. I rolled over and reached out for it. I hit the snooze button a tried to get back to sleep. Five minutes later it went off again. I lazily turned it off and headed down for breakfast. With my eyes half open and my tummy rumbling, I opened the pantry and grabbed the cornflakes. I had just poured the cereal into my bowl when I looked over at the counter to see that there was no milk. This was going to be a long holiday.
A few days later, near the end of January, we all got up and dressed because mum told as that she had a surprise for us. We jumped in the car and headed into to town when mum was hit with questions. “Where are we going?”, “Can we get sushi?”, “Tell us mum!” My younger sister Heather just smiled. I knew she had something to do with it. She had seemed to be able to keep her secret, whatever it was. As we got closer I realised what our surprise was. Mum was taking us to see Tangled! Even better it was in 3-D! It was an awesome new version of Rapunzel. After we had enjoyed watching our movie, we thanked mum with lots of  hugs and headed home for a tasty, fresh lunch.
About a week after, dad got some time off work. He decided that we should all go to the beach. We stopped at Woolworths for some things for lunch and went on our way. We pulled up at Wellingtons Bay, opened the back of dad’s Ute and ate our delicious picnic. We got into our togs and jumped into the slightly, rippling water. My sisters and I had an awesome time floating on our backs and splashing each other with water. I tried snorkelling in the shallow waters, but I found it difficult for the small, murky waves kept pushing me around gently. After 2 or 3 hours, we packed up and relaxed on our peaceful drive home.
So after a lot of fun events in the holidays, I was more than happy to get my first bit of homework and to catch up with my friends. Also to tell them about all the cool times in my holidays that you have just read about.


  1. Very discriptive
    Good job

