Pop-teen sensation lance Bass is going to be staying at the ISS (international space station) for the next three months. In this report you will learn about his home in space. It includes his day to day tasks, relaxing, music, communication back to earth and why he is even going to space.
For his everyday tasks he has most of the normal equipment with just a few small changes. All his kitchen appliances are bolted to the floor and they all have magnets or straps inside to hold things in place. His bed is strapped to the wall during the day. Then at night it is lowered down to the floor and is held there by special magnets. He has to strap himself into bed so that he doesn’t float in the air. His toilet is a suction toilet so it flushes pretty much 24/7. His waste is flushed into a 200L holding tank. His washing machine is satellite powered and washes and dries his clothes all-in-one! To wash himself he has to carefully squeeze some water into a cloth and then wipe it all over his face. He has to be careful as any free water could damage any electronic panels. To cook his food he has special pots and pans. He gets his food out of its straps in the cupboard. Then once the pan is hot enough Lance pours his food in. The hot pan becomes sticky so that the food does not float away. He has to be holding the pan at all times and his feet are strapped to the floor.
To record his music he has his trustworthy guitar, a voice recorder and his laptop. All of Lance’s equipment is velcroed to his special space desk when they are not in use. He sings his songs into his voice recorders and emails them back to his producers through his laptop. When he gets back he will re-sing them. These are just the base songs so he doesn’t forget his ideas.
To communicate with his family and friends Lance has skype, facebook, bebo and twitter setup from the satellite. He has his laptop to talk to them. Lance talks to them every day and discusses how things are going with his family and work colleagues.
To relax Lance plays on Sims, Wii, Buzz or play station on his 50-inch flat screen TV. Otherwise he sings along to one of his hits on sing star. He gets sing star every time! Or he’s just sitting on a bean bag listening to or playing music.
Why Space? :
Your probably wondering why Lance is even going to space. Here are four good reasons why:
1) He went to space for inspiration. For his music, life and fans.
2) He went to be away from his fans and the pressure of being famous.
3) He went to get a better understanding of what other people experience. He wanted a similar experience for his future career.
4) He needed a new study, something else to work towards. He experimented with the difference of gravity and its effects. He found out that NO gravity in the ISS makes life a whole lot harder.
Living in space is harder than living on earth as it affects the way you are used to living. Lance is coping well as he has all he needs: Relaxation, communication, music, and similar day to day tasks. Also, Lances family and friends are encouraging him all the way!
The information for this report came from Wikipedia, google, a space information sheet, you tube and my imagination. To find out more about the ISS go to one of these places.
By Sara Taylor
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