Lance's Lab
Lance has a basic way of communicating. He has an i-pad2 that has been fixed to the wall. He has a personal satellite which can connect to earth. Lance has various internet Apps. Such as, Facebook, Twitter, Skype and a g-mail account. He also posts videos taken around the station onto You-tube, so everyone can see what he’s up to.
Scientists have noticed that the effects of living in space can cause memory loss and the loss of taste buds, Lance will record his experience with this. He has said he will also grow bacteria on special dishes to test the effects of gravity on a different form of life. He has reserved some space in his recording equipment where he keeps his samples. They are kept at a perfect temperature constantly.
Even up in the I.S.S it is important to stay fit. That is why Lance has good equipment. Firstly, he has a specially designed treadmill, it has shoulder pads which he wears, they are connected to the treadmill with tough elastic straps that hold him down. By wearing them he won’t float away by the lack of gravity. Secondly, he has dance mixes he plays on the pod’s built in stereo system (Lance loves to dance). The last form of exercise is his Jenny Craig D.V.D he plays on his built in D.V.D player. He watches it on his 52 inch T.V which is mounted into the wall.
Just like on earth, some things still need to be done. Such as sleeping and disposal of waste. He also needs to relax and enjoy himself. For a bed, Lance has something similar to what you might find on earth. It is a small pod-like shape, inside is a mattress, a pillow and a blanket. There are seatbelts to stop Lance from floating away. He has a mini-fridge where he keeps his freeze dried food which he cooks in his microwave that has been designed especially to cook freeze dried meals. In his fridge, he also has water. In the cold, vast area of space, water is kept in small packets; each packet has a nozzle coming out the top. When he squeezes the bag, a small amount of water comes out the nozzle.
Lance will be on the I.S.S for three months. He will carry on life as a citizen of New Zealand by doing things regularly done on earth, such as sleeping, exercise, record music and of course work on his project.
By Evan Alsop
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