Lances Lab
Lance is a famous rock star who is currently spending three months in space where he is going to have to face the difficulties of space and also write his new hit single do experiments, eat, sleep and basically live in space at the same time which is not easy.
Daily Living
To go to the toilet in space lance has a suction tube, which he has to attach to the toilet while he goes. For it to suck he has to squeeze it. The sewage then goes through the tube and into a tank that can hold 250litres of sewage.
Washing/Staying clean:
To wash his face lance has to get a clean cloth and drip two or three drops of water on it. Then he wipes his face with the damp cloth. To brush his teeth he does the same thing we do on earth, except he uses less water and tooth paste.
Lance has to sleep in a pouch bed with straps. It is rather comfortable and the straps stop him from floating away while he is sleeping. On the outside it has a built in alarm clock, that is built especially for people who go to space.
To eat lance has to eat canned and Freeze dried food. He eats with spoon and fork for a knife is not needed. He has enough food to last him the whole three months. To cook his canned food he has a microwave, with built in magnetic force, so the food doesn’t fly everywhere.
Lance does his music in a sound proof room, so he can concentrate more on what his music sounds like. He records his music on a sound recorder. Lances music room is one of the warmest rooms in the space shuttle, because it has a small heater. This is one of the places he goes when he wants to chill out.
To exercise Lance has a running machine. It has straps that stop him from floating off it. Lance has to do this to stay healthy.
Lances science lab is another place he hangs out when he gets bored. It’s where he does his experiments. It has Velcro walls which hold his water, toiletry, and his science equipment. He also has a mini pull out table which Velcro’s to the floor, so he has somewhere to do his science projects, on plants and other objects.
To communicate with earth Lance has two electronic items, an ipad and laptop. With these he can go on Skype and face book. Outside of the space shuttle is a satellite, so he can connect to Skype, face book and other obligations on Google.
Fun and Relaxation:
To relax in space Lance relaxes and hangs out in his lab and his music room, he has a lot of fun in those two rooms. He loves doing his experiments in his science lab and writing his new hit single in his music room.
As you can see it is very quite difficult for Lance to live in space but he didn’t just go to space to do his experiments or write his new hit single, he also went there to have fun.
That is such a Kool recount brittane