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Tuesday, 10 May 2011


30th of April Rebecca her sister Claire and I went down to the creek. We were having a great time. We didn’t want to go back so we went even further, BIG mistake!
           We were fine at first. We saw two eels, a couple of sparrows and a fantail or two. Then we saw a fence but it was flattened, so we kept going.  It was after we crossed the fence that we started to hear noises.
            We’d gone about an hour down stream. We couldn’t see anyone but us and we couldn’t hear anyone but us and the noises. We were starting to get a bit freaked out. But we thought we were getting worked up over nothing. So we kept going.
             When we came to a clearing we were standing under very crumbly rock! So we had to run through the ankle-deep water. Then when came to a clearing Claire said to quickly hide behind a rock. I asked her what she’d seen. “A man in a helmet.” Then she told us to: run!
             So we practically sprinted under the crumbly rock, and when we came to a clearing we thought we could stop so we did. But then we heard a voice behind us so we sprinted off again. We kept running over rocks through trees then after about half an hour we came to the start, But we didn’t stop we went up the path until we could see people and they could see us. Then we basically collapsed on the ground from running so much in so little time.
          We haven’t gone down there since. But I plane to go there again soon.
By Sarah.


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